Wednesday 24 April 2013


It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.  
These ominous words were penned by none other than Ronald Reagan, a man who spent his whole life in the politics and knew very well what he was talking about. He could never realize that all the key players involved in the oldest profession will feel slighted when compared to the polity. 
Majority of Indian polity is all the more worse for they have no respect for the law and even public servants. The common citizen in whose service they all claim to be in politics is just like an insect to be tramped on. The politicians are simple parasites who exist on the votes of citizenry of the country and suck its blood in return shamelessly.
There was a time when being a politician and donning Khadi was a matter of pride but today courtesy our present leaders the word politician is synonymous with the worst of the derogatory invectives. Politics only means an opportunity to milk the nation, its natural resources and realizing  all your lusts including lust for wine, woman, power and money.

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