Government is not the owner of the citizen's income and therefore, cannot hold a blank cheque on that income
Leave everything to the collective wisdom of 800 people in the parliament and another few thousand in the state legislatures. We have done it patiently for the last 64 long years and this is what we have got; Country being devoured by the demons of black money and corruption, a thoroughly corrupt executive and legislature specialising in bad economics,still worse politics and worst governance with the sole motto " Everything for self, party and saving the government of the day and nothing for the nation and its helpless poor millions.
Heard many times from topmost national leaders that more than 80% of subsidies, doles and freebies by the State do not reach the target group but no corrective action is ever thought of. Hidden agenda and ulterior motives whether financial or political, for self or for party do not require rocket science to understand. " We will assure you bare minimum food and doles for subsistence out of government kitty. We will not give you education, we will not do anything that will ensure more earning power in your hand to taste the fruits of prosperity. But you promise to give us power to ruin the country in lieu of our benevolent actions.
All promises made in election manifestos are universal truths and universal truths do not change with time. So learn to live only with slogans of Garibi Hatao, Roti Kapda aur Makan, (Provision of clean drinking water, Provisioning of food and shelter), Jai Kisan Jai Jawan, Improvement in medical care and sanitation etc. etc. till eternity and keep on voting us to power.
WE are the rulers and not the servants as envisaged in a democracy and constitution and we subscribe to the age old adage " It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven ".
Appear to be honest, sincere and well meaning to the country and its masses but act for your own financial and political gains.
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