Sunday 9 September 2012

Koodankulam: Of Bolts and Keys


Anitha Sharma
Anitha S. is engaged in ecological education with children in many parts of Kerala especially the coral islands of Lakshadweep. Since last few years she has been documenting the perceptions and experiences of women in the environmental movements ( anti-industries, anti-dam, anti-waste dumping, anti-deforestation) in Kerala. She is also co-ordinating a network called Tree Walk in her home city of Thiruvananthapuram for trees, safe pedestrian spaces and footpaths and space for small vendors when big wide roads usurp all common spaces in the name of development.
Here is her documentary video on Koodankulam women:
We are women who live very close to the sea in the village of Idinthakarai in Thirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. Never do we lock the doors and gate of our houses when we go out. We are so sure and confident about the safety and security of our houses.
Tomorrow after many years,we are going to lock and bolt all the doors and gate of ourhouse and get out. All the houses will be locked up tomorrow. The more than a century year old Church in our village that faces the Pillayar kovil will have its usual Sunday service after which we will move enmasse to the KKNPP.(Koodankulam Nuclear Power Plant). We will carry our children including babies. Our pregnant daughters will walk in the hot sun with us.
Because we have not been listened to. Our plea and demands have been sidelined. We do not feel safe to be in this comfortable village of ours anymore so close to the power plant.

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