Tuesday 31 July 2012

Resistance to nuclear energy is warranted

It is ironic that Raymond Pillay in Business Report’s letters on July 16 (“Nuclear disaster at Fukushima did not cost any lives”), should accuse the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists of being “anti-nuclear”, when his company seeks to profit from providing training for the same scientists and engineers he seeks to dismiss.
Following these august men and women, a truly scientific view is based on hard facts, not self-serving opinion.
None of us who have engaged in long hours of fact-finding within the nuclear industry over the last 30 years are surprised by the severity of the official Japanese report on Fukushima. Such ignorance and collusion have been a long-standing hallmark of the industry and its governmental collaborators. What is surprising, is the willingness of intelligent citizens in an open society to tolerate the lies.
This disgusting business continues with the statement that Fukushima “killed no one”. The same rubbish was spoken in the wake of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and seems to me to make a mockery of the heartache that resulted for many.
Since Mr Pillay is cavalier about his affiliation, I have no compunction but to quote from an anti-nuclear campaigner, epidemiologist Professor Chris Busby, who has worked for many years with radiation victims. In his Occasional Paper (July 2011), Dr Busby shows how the projected cancers from Fukushima in the next 10 years will be 2 838. Using his own model, he calculates a number well in excess of 100 000 within 10 years and nearly 200 000 additional cancers in 50 years.
Worse still is that over 200 000 people will never be able to return their homes.

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