The radiation has reached American waters. What is going to happen in the future nobody knows. The Chernobyl accident in Russia in 1986, has created such havoc there, and the consequence of it still continues. Within a radius of 150kms of the plant, atomic radiation still exists. 97 % of the plant is still alive. They do not know how to close it. About 9 million children have been born deformed with all kinds of problems. Since the Three Mile Accident in the USA, there has not been any new plant erected there.
Nobody knows how to dispose of nuclear waste except, to use it to make atomic bombs.
The Marine Life has been the worst hit. A study done by the Fisheries Department clearly shows this. “Fifty nine out of 103 nuclear plants in the US rely on what are known as ‘once through cooling systems’ to remove waste heat. Nuclear plant authorities have always claimed that their intake and discharge of billions of litres of water a day, does very little harm to the surrounding marine life.
Some years ago, a major report, LICENSED TO KILL: HOW THE NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY DESTROY ENDANGERED MARINE WILD LIFE AND OCEAN HABITAT TO SAVE MONEY, released by the well – respected Nuclear Information and Resource Service on February 22, 2001.” These cooling systems suck in and discharge as much as four million litres of water per minute. This water is sucked in at such a high velocity that along with the water, marine life is also sucked in as it is unable to resist velocity. These are dumped back as dead. The high nuclear destruction rates can over take recovery rates, resulting in extensive depletion of the affected species. In this way, entire marine life communities can lose their capacity to sustain themselves.”
“ While millions of litres of hot water is being discharged into the sea every minute, the total heat dumped into the waterway every minute, and tremendous. Roger Witherspoon, the well – known US journalist, author and editor, in a recent article has given some figures. Citing company records, he points out that the nuclear power plantsat Salem, New Jersey, USA, dump about 30 billion BTUs of heat hourly into Delaware Bay. That is equivalent of the heat which would be generated by exploding a nuclear bomb, the size of the bomb which destroyed Hiroshima, in the waters of Delaware Bay every two hours, all day, every day.” Roger Witherspoon, ‘Ravishing the waterways, DEP vs the power Plants’ Dec 13,2010.
As a result the Marine Life and its Bio-Diversity is in total danger.
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