Depletion of nation's mineral wealth in placer sands
The note calls attention to a serious issue of depletion of nation’s wealth by illegal mining of placer sands. The illegality is primarily related to avarice of certain individuals controlling corporate entities resulting in a monopoly situation, and failure of government agencies and operatives to enforce the laws of the land to ensure that public interest is served by controlled and regulated but sustainable use of resources of mother earth.
When the fence eats away the field, who is to save the crop for present and future generations? This is the crux of the issue of fighting corruption leading to depletion of nation’s wealth in many sectors. This note is about such depletion of nation’s wealth in minerals of national importance, including Atomic Minerals.
Immediate action is required from Govt. of India:
• To ban mining of Minerals of National Importance (MNIs) from placer sands
• To seize the mined quantities of such minerals from the miners and their associates
• To hand over control of the mining areas to a paramilitary force
• To levy fines on the parties involved in illegal mining activities
• To constitute a Mines Regulatory Authority for Minerals of National Importance
• To cancel and withdraw the illegal notification of DAE issued in Jan. 2006 which transferred ilmenite to Open General Licence treating it as a non-Atomic Mineral (issued in anticipation of Amendment of Act No. 67 of 1957, an amendment which was not approved by the Parliament) which violates the provisions of Act No. 67 of 1957 (List of Atomic Minerals detailed in Item B of First Schedule of the Act of 1957: Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development Act)
• To constitute a Commission of Inquiry on Atomic Minerals and other Minerals of National Importance, on the lines of Justice Shah Commission inquiring into iron and manganese ore mining
• To seize the mined quantities of such minerals from the miners and their associates
• To hand over control of the mining areas to a paramilitary force
• To levy fines on the parties involved in illegal mining activities
• To constitute a Mines Regulatory Authority for Minerals of National Importance
• To cancel and withdraw the illegal notification of DAE issued in Jan. 2006 which transferred ilmenite to Open General Licence treating it as a non-Atomic Mineral (issued in anticipation of Amendment of Act No. 67 of 1957, an amendment which was not approved by the Parliament) which violates the provisions of Act No. 67 of 1957 (List of Atomic Minerals detailed in Item B of First Schedule of the Act of 1957: Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development Act)
• To constitute a Commission of Inquiry on Atomic Minerals and other Minerals of National Importance, on the lines of Justice Shah Commission inquiring into iron and manganese ore mining
Modus operandi of the Rs. 1 lakh crore loot
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