Today, the finance minister of India, Sh Arun Jetley presented budget 2014 in the parliament. The budget did have some positives but under the circumstances, with little money available for development, courtesy the ten years' economic mess created by the previous government. The approach of the previous government to the problems India is faced with was not only against all basic tenets of economics by the so called economists of world repute, it was void of even the common sense and they chose even to flirt with the age old adage 'cut your coat according to your cloth'.
In politics one is either with the government or against it. But there has got to be some difference between opposing and simple howling. All the stalwarts of the previous government have been crying themselves hoarse over everything that the new finance minister has put up on the plea that he has hijacked their agenda, the never ending agenda of the last sixty five years of independent India, the agenda of poverty eradication which was shamelessly diluted to poverty alleviation by this nobility in the service of mankind. All other programs whether of imparting skill and education or providing drinking water or providing good health services or providing food and shelter are the patents of Congress party and all other political parties of the country should perhaps say that they will not provide these otherwise they will be taken to task for infringement of the patent rights.