It was quite heartening to learn that Lalu Prasad along with 44 others has been convicted in the fodder scam case. The case has been hanging in the Indian courts for the last 17 years and the value of scam was of the order of 900 crores. It is one of those rare cases where a political leader of such pan India standing has been convicted and thanks to the supreme court order of 10th July 2013 he not only ceases to be a member of parliament from today onward, he stands disqualified for fighting next elections.
So far so good but courtesy the slow Indian judicial system, the man enjoyed all the perks of being an MP including Z+ security and a long stint as a cabinet minister of the union of India. The ramifications of having a man of doubtful integrity as a senior lawmaker of the country speaks very badly about the country. The national exchequer has spent hundreds of crores on him during this period.
The following questions need be answered by those managing the governance and rule in the country because of the inherent snail's pace of the judicial system.
- How the nation proposes to get back 900 crores involved in the scam.
- How the nation condones whatever was spent on him from the exchequer because law process could not be made faster.