Tuesday, 31 July 2012

By John C.K. Daly of Oilprice.com
Category: Investment, Energy


July 26, 2012 (Investorideas.com Energy Newswire) Seventeen months after the earthquake and tsunami that destroyed the Tokyo Electric Power Company's six-reactor complex at its Fukushima Daiichi, discussions continue about the possible effects of the radiation "dusting" the prefecture's inhabitants received, and their consequences.

The 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami double punch that effectively destroyed Tokyo Electric Power Company's power plant complex has effectively become the newest "ground zero" in the debate over nuclear power. Advocates pro and con debate the implications of everything from the amount of damage to the release of radionuclides to the long term health effects on the Japanese population.
Far outside most media coverage, 2012 is shaping up to be the media battleground between the massed proponents of the ongoing 'safety' of nuclear power, as opposed to a motley coalition of environmentalists, renegade nuclear scientists and anti-nuclear opponents, largely bereft of media contact.
The stakes are high - quite aside from Japan 's multi-billion dollar investment in civilian nuclear energy, dating back to the 1960s, there remains the issues of Fukushima 's radioactive debris polluting neighbours.
All sides in the debate are playing for massive stakes, with the Japanese government and the nuclear industry broadly indicating the issue is under control. Accordingly, every issue from the amount of radiation released to the long term health consequences of the Fukushima disaster are subject to acrimonious debate.
That said, there is an involuntary irradiated "test" Fukushima group monitored since March 2011 displaying disturbing health abnormalities that may ultimately decide the debate, should the global media report it, forcing governments to debate its consequences.
The children of Fukushima .
The issue of nuclear radiation on human health cites besides Fukushima the August 1945 U.S nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the April 1986 explosion of the Chernobyl reactor complex in Ukraine , but in reality, there are no comparisons to evaluate Fukushima.



Majority at public hearings want nuclear-free Japan

July 30, 2012

Citizens who wanted to voice their opinions on energy policy at eight public hearings overwhelmingly called for Japan to give up nuclear energy by 2030.
The government held the meetings to solicit views on its three proposed options for the ratio of nuclear energy in Japan’s overall power generation in 2030--zero percent, 15 percent and 20-25 percent.
Seventy percent of those who applied to speak at the hearings supported the zero-percent option. Eleven percent supported the 15-percent option, and 17 percent backed the option of 20-25 percent. Two percent gave opinions different from the three options.
Of those wanting to voice their opinions, only those chosen through a drawing are allowed to speak at the hearings. Participants at the first five hearings were not allowed to state opinions other than the government's three options.
The eight hearings were held between July 14 and July 29, and three more are scheduled for Aug. 1 and 4.
At the hearing in Hiroshima on July 29, 62 percent of people who applied to speak supported the zero-percent option.
“We want to say ‘no’ to nuclear power generation from Hiroshima, where an atomic bomb was dropped,” said one woman in Hiroshima who works part-time.

Cost Effective U.S. And World Energy Resources Are Evolving Away From Nuclear And Toward Natural Gas

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt

On July 30th, the Financial Times published an interview with GE’s  CEO Jeffrey Immelton the future of various energy alternatives.   For decades, GE has played a significant role in  many sectors of the energy business. It makes huge electric generators for electric utilities.  It sell wind turbines.  It sells solar installations and it recently added oil patch activities to its  roster of companies.  It has also been a leading supplier of nuclear power generation equipment. So for one of the leaders in that last space to suggest that nuclear isn’t a competitive solution now or going forward is a significant statement.

For sure the exploration activities now ongoing onshore in many western and eastern parts of the United States (think upstate NY, PA, Ohio, The Dakotas, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas et. al. ) are picking up a head of steam.  Environmentalists are concerned about “fracking” shale rocks in terms of possibly contaminating drinking water supplies or causing small localized earthquakes.  The jury is still out on that. As for the importance of nuclear to GE? It’s about a $ 1 billion business or less than 1% of GE’s total revenues.Mr. Immelt expressed his view that it is almost impossible on a cost basis to justify investing in nuclear power plants for the future.   ”So I think some combination of gas, and either wind or solar … that’s where we see most countries around the world going.”

Resistance to nuclear energy is warranted

It is ironic that Raymond Pillay in Business Report’s letters on July 16 (“Nuclear disaster at Fukushima did not cost any lives”), should accuse the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists of being “anti-nuclear”, when his company seeks to profit from providing training for the same scientists and engineers he seeks to dismiss.
Following these august men and women, a truly scientific view is based on hard facts, not self-serving opinion.
None of us who have engaged in long hours of fact-finding within the nuclear industry over the last 30 years are surprised by the severity of the official Japanese report on Fukushima. Such ignorance and collusion have been a long-standing hallmark of the industry and its governmental collaborators. What is surprising, is the willingness of intelligent citizens in an open society to tolerate the lies.
This disgusting business continues with the statement that Fukushima “killed no one”. The same rubbish was spoken in the wake of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and seems to me to make a mockery of the heartache that resulted for many.
Since Mr Pillay is cavalier about his affiliation, I have no compunction but to quote from an anti-nuclear campaigner, epidemiologist Professor Chris Busby, who has worked for many years with radiation victims. In his Occasional Paper (July 2011), Dr Busby shows how the projected cancers from Fukushima in the next 10 years will be 2 838. Using his own model, he calculates a number well in excess of 100 000 within 10 years and nearly 200 000 additional cancers in 50 years.
Worse still is that over 200 000 people will never be able to return their homes.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Baba Ramdev to fight against graft, black money from August 9

Ahmedabad , Sun, 29 Jul 2012ANI

Ahmedabad, July 29 (ANI): Yoga guru Baba Ramdev on Sunday announced that he would begin a decisive fight against graft next month for the retrieval of illicit funds stashed in bank accounts abroad.
Speaking here on the occasion of a sermon by Jain ascetic Tarun Sagar, Baba Ramdev said the movement would reach its crescendo by Independence Day.
"Now, we have to bring back 400 trillion rupees' worth of black money, eradicate corruption, save democracy and the country. The happiness I see on your faces today has to be brought on the faces of our 1.2 billion people. This struggle shall begin in Delhi on August 9, and will reach its climax by August 15," Baba Ramdev said.
Also present on the occasion was Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who said that it was unfortunate that the motives of people like Baba Ramdev were questioned when they tried to initiate social movements in the interest of the nation.
"Today, if ascetics are grieved by the pains of society, and if they talk on social issues, if they try to raise public awareness by taking the nation's benefit as a duty unto themselves, then the misfortune of my country is that those who criticized hermits for being detached from the society, now curse them for being involved with it," Modi said.
Baba Ramdev is poised for a joint movement along with anti-graft crusader Anna Hazare against corruption, which they are scheduled to start from August 9 onwards.

Baba Ramdev dares UPA govt on black money issue


Ahmedabad: Baba Ramdev, who was here on Saturday to mobilize support for his August 9 protest, said if Congress did not act on the issue of bringing back black money, he would ask people not to vote for it. Ramdev is planning to launch an agitation from August 9 at Delhi's Jantar Mantar against Congress-led UPA government's failure to bring back the black money from foreign banks.

He said that he would give Congress party the opportunity to take action to bring back the black money, but if it failed, he would ask the people not to vote for Congress party.

"In the elections in five states, people have shown the ruling party that they will not tolerate corrupt people in power. This time we will give specific instruction to people that they should not vote for this particular party as it is not interested in bringing back the black money, removing corruption and saving the country," Ramdev said.

"The government is thinking that low turnout at Team Anna Hazare's fast venue means that it can continue with its corrupt ways. But I say this government should not underestimate any public agitation," Ramdev said.

"The month of August will be crucial as a crowd of 2 lakh will turn up for my agitation and I don't know what will be government's reaction."

Intel agencies to probe black money transactions

New Delhi, July 29, 2012, PTI:
 Over 1,100 financial transactions of firms and individuals during the last fiscal are under the scanner of intelligence agencies for alleged money laundering and black money dealings.

A total of 1,130 Suspicious Transactions Reports (STRs), the highest in the last six years, was passed on to the Central Board of Excise and Customs and its two key intelligence units Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) and Directorate General of Central Excise Intelligence (DGCEI) during 2011-12 by the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), of the Finance Ministry.

Sources said the STRs shared by FIU-IND were mainly related to tax evasion and money laundering.

“The STRs given by the financial intelligence unit are being looked into. We have also sought relevant details from the banks and firms involved in it,” a senior DRI official said.
A total of 121 STRs were shared by the FIU during 2010-11, 96 during 2009-10.

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Monday, 23 July 2012

Hinduja also highlighted the challenge faced by India from

PTI | 12:07 PM,Jul 22,2012
the menace of corruption and black money. "The main causes of generation of black money have been the requirement for funds to meet the expenses of political parties and to fight elections at local/state/national levels; the need for making illicit payments to secure government contracts and influence government policies etc," he said. "This is a cancer which must be addressed. Unstructured, non-institutional political funding is the root of corruption in India. Electoral reforms may be introduced to regularise and make political parties accountable for funds received," he said. He also said that state funding of political parties' election expenditure can be part of a large scheme of political, electoral and taxation reform to stop the flow of money into parallel economy. He pointed out that many developed countries have opted for 20-30 per cent tax to make black money stashed abroad accountable. "India could also consider entering into similar agreements with foreign countries so that the unaccounted wealth abroad can come to India and taxed. Such funds could help reduce India's burgeoning fiscal deficit," he said. PTI AKJ

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Is the Benami Bill targeted at corruption and black money futile?
Did you know that a law exists, and has existed for 24 years, which declares benami transactions illegal? Benami transactions((benami literally means 'without a name'), where property is paid for by person A, but held in the name of person B (who may not even exist) have long been part of the way business is done, or commerce is conducted, in India.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Corruption karma? Citing culture is pure bunkum

by  Jul 16, 2012


Which is why, the reasoning goes, our businesses don’t abide by a “Western” code of ethics. And end up wallowing in corruption.
Against corruption. Reuters
The insidious message from repeated iterations of the corruption-as-culture meme is that enacting new laws, such as the Lokpal Bill that was aborted despite a high-decibel campaign last year, serve no purpose because we are too mired in corruption. Corruption is in ourkarma, they suggest, and cannot be changed.
The problem with that narrative is that it suggests that there is something unique about Indian “culture” that renders it particularly susceptible to corruption.
For instance, a Knowledge@Wharton study posited earlier this year that historically, “Indian society has placed great emphasis on loyalty to the collective, be it one’s caste, village or family” and this renders the ecosystem vulnerable to corruption. That’s because such a loyalty to a collective drives a culture of favours, friendship and clanship that “clashes with the Western concepts of conflict of interest and pure meritocracy”.
INDIAN DREAMS Vs REALITY: Bring back black money to help economy, not FDI: B...: Bring back black money to help economy, not FDI: Baba Ramdev NAGPUR: Yoga guru-turned-social activist Baba Ramdev believes that the coun...

Corrupt people are not human beings: Hegde

Bangalore, July 19, 2012, DHNS:
Corrupt people are not human beings but only homo sapiens, who are products of men and women, opined former Lokayukta Justice Santosh Hegde here on Thursday.

He made the observation at the New Horizon College at Kasturi Nagar on Thursday. One cannot become human being just by taking birth but by developing empathy, sensitivity and affection for other creatures in the world, he said.

Justice Hegde made a fervent appeal to students to rise against the national evil, which is eating up the country. New Horizon College was the fifth educational institute where he lectured to garner support for the major demonstration on July 25 at Freedom Park in Bangalore. He appealed to them to visit the venue in good numbers to demonstrate their solidarity in the fight against corruption.

He said the lawmakers live under the impression that they are the lords of people and forget that they are mere public representatives.

Saturday, 14 July 2012


INDIAN DREAMS Vs REALITY: ECONOMICS, GOVERNANCE AND INFLATION IN INDIA: India perhaps is the only country in the world which boasts of economists of international repute at the topmost levels of governance. All...

BRP Bhaskar: Black money is piling up

Exclusive to The Gulf Today
There was a spurt in money stashed by Indians in secret accounts in Switzerland last year. The last time a big jump occurred was in 2006. The gap of five years is significant.

According to Swiss bank data, Indian deposits increased by one million Swiss francs in 2006 to touch a peak of 6.5 billion francs (about Rs400 billion). Thereafter the deposits started falling and were as low as about Rs93 billion at the end of 2010. Last year fresh inflow of funds raised the total to Rs127 billion.
It is not unreasonable to draw a link between the swelling of Swiss bank deposits and national and state elections in India, normally held at intervals of five years. The fall in deposits since 2006 can then be explained in terms of repatriation of funds to meet the expenses of the elections of the last five years, including the parliamentary poll of 2009. And the recent spurt can be seen as part of the preparations for the upcoming elections, including the Lok Sabha poll due in 2014.

The Association for Democratic Rights, a non-governmental organisation monitoring election malpractices, estimated that campaign expenses during a five-year period could be anywhere between Rs350 billion and Rs810 billion. It reckoned that one-fourth of the estimated Rs100 billion spent during the 2009 Lok Sabha poll was black money.  
Anti-graft agitation: Arvind Kejriwal to visit Haryana

ROHTAK: Team Anna which upped the ante in the Hisar byelection in Haryana when it went on attacking the ruling Congress, is set to launch another drive in the state in an effort to strengthen its ground and to mobilize support for the anti-corruption agitation which is being revived from Jantar Mantar in Delhi on July 25.

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Black money: Naveen to support Ramdev

Black money: Naveen to support Ramdev

India Blooms News Service

Bhubaneshwar, June 14 (IBNS): Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has assured yoga guru Baba Ramdev that he will support him in his fight against black money.

Ramdev met the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) supremo on Wednesday.

Patnaik told Ramdev that he will support the campaign if it is done in a peaceful and 'Gandhian' style.

"We will support your movement over black money and against corruption, if goes on peacefully in Gandhian style,” Patnaik told Ramdev before media.

The meeting between Patnaik and Ramdev lasted for an hour.

Ramdev appreciated Patnaik for establishing three special courts in three different zones in Odisha to deal with corruption.

Ramdev to Congress: Act against black money or face socio-political ostracisation

Patna, July 8 (ANI): Yoga guru Baba Ramdev on Sunday asked the Congress party to act against corruption and black money, failing which, it would not only be decimated in the general elections, but will face "social and political ostracisation."
"The government failed to act against corruption and black money, so the people acted against it," he said, referring to Congress' debacle in the assembly polls.
On the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad Yadav's opposition to his views, Ramdev said that his campaign was not against a person or a political party.
"Our campaign is not against a person or a political party. It's over the issues of black money, corruption and bringing a change in the system. We do not want to give importance to individuals," he added.
Black money a problem, but no magic solutions: PM

The Prime Minister's remark came when he was asked whether the black money issue has become irrelevant for the Group of Developed and Developing countries (G-20) or any improvement was there in dealing with the problem.
"It is too early to say one way or the other," he said. The just concluded G-20 Summit at Los Cabos in Mexico welcomed the efforts to enhance interagency cooperation to tackle illicit financial flows.
In its communique, the G-20 said it supported the renewal of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) mandate, thereby sustaining global efforts to combat money laundering.

Party money: this is where black money trail begins

by  Jul 11, 2012

Our periodic outbursts of anger over political corruption are illogical, stemming from inadequate understanding of how parties function. Think of what the bouts of outrage have delivered in terms of concrete result and you realise why. The fact is, there would be no end to such corruption until the country finds ways to streamline and monitor the finances of political parties and devise a system where funding to parties is transparent.
The fundamental flaw in the popular discourse on political corruption is the short shrift given to the reality that political parties need a great deal of money to function. They need to fight elections at regular intervals and keep the party apparatus in fine fettle during non-election times. Parties have bureaucracies which need money to run. There are routine expenses on heads such as leaders travelling to different places and mobilisation of people for events. These are genuine expenses for which parties need to generate money.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Heard on the TV  Mr. Chidambram, Honourable Home Minister of India and his views on the reaction of general public on the runway inflation in the country. It is really deplorable when someone of his seniority talks utter nonsense rather than showing any concern to the problem of general masses. When you can spend Rs 15 on a bottle of water and Rs 20 on a ice cream cone you have no reason to be bothered about some increase in food grains. My dear brethren of this country, be prepared to hear similar logic when government raises the prices of petrol, electricity because these so called public servants and their families have always enjoyed everything at the cost of taxpayer's money  Be prepared to hear that since you spend on such things you lose the right to talk about government's inefficient and corruption motivated governance, its failures on all fronts and the resulting mess the country is facing. Vow! Such wonderful Indian National Leaders, India is proud of you!