On behalf of the citizens of this democratic India, I ask you, the Government, to STOP the lies.
YOU have gone too far already and there must be a full stop to YOUR blatant lying. We simply must choose NOT to trust YOU because -
WE, the people, paid for the BEST defense fighter aircrafts and yet they fail every other day in routine peacetime flights.
YOU say "Pilot Error," or add, "Poor maintenance, no spares."
WE pay for subsidizing the cost of grains to feed the poor as the poor die and the grains rot in your godowns.
YOU say, "Corruption and Leakage in PDS."
WE pay for scientists to develop nuclear bombs so WE will be secure but WE are immediately attacked in Kargil and have a costly war.
YOU say, "Kargil was Human Intelligence Failure."
WE pay for maintenance of infrastructure and travel yet WE have daily train accidents.
YOU say, "Driver Error” or “Bad Weather."
WE pay for national pride while hosting international events but instead become the laughing stock of the world at the Commonwealth Games.
YOU say, "Hmmm, the guilty will be punished."
Have YOU - collectively or individually - owned up and taken responsibility for ANY of YOUR actions?
Have any of YOU ACTUALLY expressed remorse and resigned?
YOUR sacrificial goats are willing to graze in political wilderness or even Tihar jail because YOU bring them back out as heroes, who only return to loot with vengeance.
Oh, WE see through YOU and your shamelessness. YOU even took OUR airwaves, pocketing immense wealth by selling them to your cronies.
Coal, you said? That's done.
Or did you say
Land? Done.
Housing? Done.
Education? Done.
Medicine? Done.
Liquor? Done.
Rivers? Done.
Plants? Done.
Forests? Done. (To death)
Cobblers? Done.
Coffins? Done. Hell, even TOILETS!
YOU have DONE the most harm EVER IMAGINABLE, and you are still not satisfied.
YOU wish to POISON the country and its environment for all future generations to come.
WE, the people, are answerable to our children.
We will have to answer to our daughters and sons when they ask us, "Dad, Mom, were you sleeping when all this was being done?"
YOU choose to make money for your cronies.
WE CHOOSE to reject you and eject you.
Our forefathers got our independence from the foreigners.
You are not only pushing us into danger, YOU are leading us into Energy Slavery, where we beg for technology, aid, uranium from your foreign cronies.
And you can't see the Sun shining?
No, you can't see and you can't smell the coffee either.