Monday, 13 February 2012

An Appeal To Voters

Let the politicians not take us, the poor and helpless Indians from any religion or social strata, for a ride. Let us force them to educate every one of us as per his/her ability for skilled, technical,scientific or managerial job and get empowered to be eligible for higher jobs rather than looking greedily to pittance of doles that are being talked about in return for precious votes which can make or mar any politician.

Let us demand and fight for our rights, our destiny and make an all out effort to force the rulers to have honesty of purpose and a corruption mitigation approach to effectively work for the benefit of 99% of Indians and not 1% of their favoured class. The benefits in the form of side effects should accrue to this 1% and not 99%.

Sisters and brothers of India, whether from villages or cities, from  any religion, caste or creed,rich or poor, don't be taken in by any of the tricks of politicians, for end of corrupt people  and corruption will be the end of your poverty and miseries.Your poverty is a direct result of  corruption  by  those in authority and power.

India Crying for Honesty of purpose and Meaningful Policies

Law of the land is supreme and the constitutional bodies are independent, powerful and supreme.
Two recent happenings speak volumes about this myth. For anything and every thing is possible when the all powerful government and its ministers are involved and it is a different story all together. Firstly the helplessness of election commission vis a vis the law minister wherein maintainability of even the so sacred Election Code of Conduct comes under cloud simply because the legal luminaries of the government are doing what they are good at i.e. find faults/ loopholes in the legal provisions with utter disdain for moral ethics/ values which alone can be a foundation of honest and meaningful policies. That too only for vote catching rhetoric and in actual not doing anything concrete that will make a meaningful difference to the lot of poor and oppressed Indians over the years to come. A reservation of 9% for minorities out of OBC quota may be 3000 jobs  in a year with 95% or more in group C & D for a population of 230 million and through this looking to fool 100 million voters is certainly a very clever and dishonest agenda for the so called betterment of poor masses of our Muslim brothers. The creamy jobs will as it is go to better placed executive/political class henchmen for the same reason for which upper classes of society have an advantage. Nobody is grudging these reservations but let us not allow the politicians to make merry and continue enjoying power, perks and a hi-fi status at the cost of giving small pittance of doles to poor millions and favouring their own cronies, stooges, henchmen and near and dear ones with their lopsided policies, corruption  and corruption yielding practices and doing nothing worthwhile to fight this menace which is denying us our rightful due.
The second ironic case is about the age of Army Chief. Strangely he has been allowed to have two dates of birth legally, one for service record and second for other national records like passport, educational certificates etc. etc. This is a plain and simple case of compromises and manipulations at all levels all along the individuals career and pushing  the dirt under the carpet now to end the logjam. Imagine Great India where the Identity card of a service officer also could not have correct information for more than three decades. There has got to be a time in nation's history when all skeletons in cupboards have to be dealt with strictly without prejudice to the level of individuals concerned and consequences thereof. Imagine if the age in UPSC records were two years less than educational records of the general what would have been  the national stance then.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

2G Mess:Who is Responsible in India?

Who is responsible for 2G mess? This is the burning question which is weighing heavily on the minds of a billion plus Indians. Supreme court is kept more than busy by the deeds/ misdeeds of the governments/ executive of this country and have to step in almost all major matters related to the governance. We have a law ministry with functionaries to help government on legal aspects of every major action. We have ministers and senior bureaucrats to look after the interests of the nation. No body did anything to ensure that national resources are just not given away for nothing. Did they ever think of buying something for the government on ten year old prices or in government parlance could they succeed in procuring something as a repeat order of a ten year old order. How many times they have stuck to the policies of older governments. If  not then their hidden agenda in giving away spectrum at throw away prices is very clear. It is customary to take the advice of auditors whenever there is a doubt of any kind. If it is only one man who is totally responsible for all this mess there is something drastically wrong with the system. We Indians  only shudder to think of the possibilities of misfortunes being thrust on us by wrongly motivated all powerful heads of water tight compartments/ ministries of Indian government. India has a parliamentary system wherein President is the ceremonial head and Prime Minister is the head of the government and like all heads must own up the deeds/ misdeeds of his government. 

Thursday, 2 February 2012

India Crying

The reaction of the ruling party on the supreme court judgement on 2G spectrum allocation cancelling the 122 licences of various firms in a manner that caused a huge loss to the exchequer is simply deplorable and smacks of nothing but total insincerity to the country and its interests. Politicians themselves by and large are as it is shameless creatures without any principles and morals. When you have a trained advocate turned politician no words in any language can do justice to  his traits for these guys subscribe only to professional ethics i.e. to save their paymaster client even when he is known to be a wrong doer by highlighting some weakness of investigation or a hidden loophole in the law. They are just not bothered about moral ethics. This is the governance we are getting as citizens of this great country whose past glory of moral ethics is history now. We are ashamed to be the citizens of present era India.
Today we hear from the ruling party that a single individual is responsible for all the mess in 2G allocation and he is not responsible to any one in the government since no body else is responsible for his deeds. I am surprised that the collective wisdom of a government decided not to visualise the loss to the nation in this case and behaved simply like a clerk wedded to the rule book without seeing the financial impact of a decision. These are the guys clamouring to have more and more of discretions when it comes to favouring their near and dear ones, cronies and persons who can help them continuing in power through their discretionary powers, economic empowerment and all foul means.
Congress is forgetting the hue and cry raised by  its predecessors about 45 years back when the home minister of a state belonging to a different party challenged the supremacy of Congress chief minister and said that CM was no more than an equal colleague and advised CM not to meddle in the affairs of his ministry. Clearly a case of Different Rules for Different people i.e. rules always suiting the Congress party.